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Group analysis of economic performance the first half of 2009 will be held smoothly

    The morning of August 2, the Group held at the headquarters of multi-purpose hall in the first half 2009 economic performance analysis of the meeting, the Group SHANG Yan-Qing, chairman of the meeting and delivered speeches. He pointed out that group in the first half overall situation is good potential for development rather large tasks are more in the second half, as long as we fortify our confidence, self-challenge, grasp the goals and tasks they landed, the Group's development will certainly be a relatively good result . 

    At the meeting, Fu Ying made by the Chief Accountant on behalf of group analysis of economic performance in the first half, by five business indicators and data, eight in the first half of financial indicators and data on the group made a detailed analysis of economic performance and put forward in the second half operational recommendations. Chen Jisheng president and a brief analysis of the highlights of the first half of the work and problems, layout of the main points of the second half of the work. Pointed out that the development group in the first half of the general situation is still good, especially in the economic crisis environment, the group still achieved good results, the completion of a slight increase in output over last year, project management and work with new progress, profits better than expected.

    Group SHANG Yan-Qing, Chairman in his speech noted that the meeting realistic, more truly reflect the actual situation of the corporation, both results also reflect less than the same time, put forward in the second half of the work. Hope that future work properly implemented, and a good grasp of three requirements: first, there must be confidence, a sense of urgency and sense of crisis. Second, according to the meeting called on various units, departments, the project department to be on their respective economic performance analysis, using the data speak, identify problems and seek countermeasures. Third, this year's work in early 2009 with the objectives and tasks set by comparison with the advanced unit of comparison, the courage to self-challenge, innovation and ideas, set out the specific tasks in the second half, do a good job execution.

    The meeting called: They should make full use of five months of this year, changing concepts, do solid work, dare to act, continues to advance and to complete the group in this year's goal! 

The meeting also read out a group of Venice Gardens mall and the new ridge capping two items after the main course of the audit report, read out the group "on the Venice Gardens mall and the new ridge cap after the project department of the main project to honor the decision of the contracting process," , and two items of the check issued by the Ministry.

    Meeting by a group of deputy secretary, Jia Yuan-ping, vice president, presided over. Group team members, the core layer units and the holding company team members grafting and participations number one, the core layer of units and headquarters senior project manager, business manager and above amounting to approximately 80 people attended the meeting.

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